Saturday, January 25, 2020
The Restorative Justice Aims And Consequences Criminology Essay
The Restorative Justice Aims And Consequences Criminology Essay The rationale behind this assignment is to highlight restorative justice and the aspects of it, in terms of how it differs from the traditional legal justice system. This will include a critical analysis of restorative justice while evaluating its strengths and weaknesses as a different approach to crime control. I will identify underlying theory, legislation and policy that brought restorative justice to the forefront of opinion, and specifically relate it to the Northern Ireland criminal justice system. The aim is to identify if it is a meaningful system to all parties involved and why/if it is necessary in the present criminal justice system. Introduction In an age of hoodie culture and prison overcrowding, questions are being asked over the efficacy of the criminal justice system and how much of a deterrent from crime it really is. Following a long period of differing regimes, such as retribution, rehabilitation and restructure, all competing to be the dominant influence in the criminal justice system, there has emerged a new approach to crime control, that of restorative justice (Hughes, 2001, p247). The aim of this approach is to provide an opportunity for the rehabilitation of the offender, as well as punishment of the criminal behaviour, with a central role in regards to the rights of, and provision of justice for the victim (Hughes, 2001, p248). The commonly accepted definition of restorative justice is; Restorative justice is a process whereby parties with a stake in a specific offence collectively resolve how to deal with the aftermath of the offence and its implications for the future (Marshall, 1999, p5). According to Hughes (2001) Restorative justice aims to bring the process of criminality back into the community, enabling all parties affected by criminal behaviour to be involved in working towards resolution and future planning (Hughes, 2001, p248). This is a new concept, as traditionally criminal justice was retributive and aimed only to address the offence by punishing the offender. In recent years, restorative justice has been a process that has been adopted by an international audience, particularly the USA, Australia and New Zealand, each employing it to address some of the traditional concerns of the formal justice system (OMahony and Doak, 2004, p484) i.e. the effectiveness of prison acting as a deterrent for crime, or victims lack of inclusion in the criminal justice process. The new restorative justice system aims to move away from the traditional notions of retribution into a new context of restoration. Most international practices are supported by Braithwaites (1989) theory of reintegrative shaming, which exerts the idea that the offender should be encouraged to experience shame for their actions and work towards absolution (OMahony and Doak, 2004, p484). The process attempts to repair the relationship between the victim and the offender and begin a healing process designed to meet the needs of the victims, whilst also reintegrating the offender into so ciety (OMahony and Doak, 2004, p484). Braithwaites theory is based on the proposal that the process of restorative justice will address the needs of the victim materially, emotionally and psychologically, whilst also helping them emerge from the process with more respect for the system (OMahony and Doak, 2004, p484). Another theory of restorative justice was first introduced by the New Zealand Maori and their principles of collective responsibility, where restorative justice seeks to decentre the states status as the responsibility of dealing with crime (Tauri and Morris, 2003, p44). Instead, operating by drawing together all those involved in an offence to an environment, promoting equal power relations, while discussing the harm caused, and jointly agreeing on how reformation can be made (Tauri and Morris, 2003, p44). A central component to restorative justice is that the community is seen to be a key stakeholder in the offence (Zehr and Mika, 2003, p41). This can take a variety of forms, from the vicinity in which the offender and victim live, or their wider social networks of family, friends and colleagues (Zehr and Mika, 2003, p41). This allows for comprehensive information sharing beyond that of only the offender and victim, so that the scale of the harm caused by the offender can be explor ed. This is the main difference between the formal justice system and that of restorative justice, where all parties can contribute information of the offence and the harm caused, while also having an involvement into meaningful reparation. Restorative Justice in practice Restorative justice in practice is a relatively new concept in the UK, having elements such as reparation orders in the Crime and Disorder Act (1998), and referral orders in the Youth Justice and Criminal Evidence Act (1999) (Crawford and Newburn, 2002, pp476-478). Within Northern Ireland it was the Criminal Justice Review (CJR) (2000) which provided recommendations to involve victims in the criminal justice process and develop restorative justice approaches for juvenile offenders. The review concluded that restorative practices for adult offenders and young adult offenders (aged 18-21) be piloted and evaluated before whole schemes are introduced (Criminal Justice Review, 2000, p203). Since then, within the UK and indeed internationally, there are the three common practices of restorative justice used within the criminal justice system, these are; 1) Victim-Offender Mediation (VOM) a face-to-face meeting with a trained mediator, the offender and the victim to discuss the offence and reparation. VOM is predominantly offered to incarcerated offenders. 2) Family Group Conferencing (FGC) in Youth Justice is open to a wider number of participants including the offender, victim, victims family and professionals who are linked to either party, where the aim is to resolve conflict or behaviour, and discuss reparation. Specifically used within youth justice as an alternative to formal prosecution, encouraging offenders to achieve empathy towards their victim, while also assuming responsibility for their behaviour. 3) Restorative/Community Conferencing Open to a wider circle of participants including the offender, victim, both families and members of the community who di scuss the offence and how to repair the harm caused. Conferences hold the offender accountable, but also offer reintegration into the community. (Extracted from FGC in youth justice is seen as one of the most successful models of restorative justice, widely used internationally in New Zealand, Australia and parts of the USA, and gaining momentum in the UK (OMahony and Doak, 2004, p485). FGC aims to be an alternative to formal prosecution, providing the offender, victim and families with an opportunity to understand the offence and the implications of it. The main aim of FGC as a form of restorative justice seems to exist to prevent younger people becoming implicated in the adult criminal justice system, having countless disadvantages for their future. FGC specifically seems to be effective as it uses a holistic understanding of the offence. It incorporates collaboration between the offender, victim and community i.e. friends and family, to find suitable resolution to the offence. This perhaps creates a more person centred justice system realising each persons needs are different but equally important. A reflection of this on a wider scale is that should the reparation fit the people rather than the crime? Restorative justice practice shows that it is necessary to meet all parties needs, and not just the offenders. This relates to changes in policy which recognises the victim as a central aspect of the criminal justice process. In other areas of the criminal justice system, such as with adult offenders and serious crimes, restorative justice only operates within the already established systems of punishment. Restorative justice is not used to substitute traditional measures, i.e. retribution, but to work alongside them. Restorative justice for serious crimes is not used unaccompanied without formal justice, as legislation and policy do not currently permit it. Marshall (1999, p7) claims restorative justice should be used with serious offences as there is more to gain in regards to victim benefits, and also crime prevention. However, it remains to be seen if this could be functional as the only form of justice, and without punitive measures would the behaviour be negatively reinforced? Within Northern Ireland restorative justice is a relatively new concept which has been introduced under different circumstances and will be discussed below. Restorative Justice in Northern Ireland As mentioned earlier restorative justice in Northern Ireland was a result of the recommendations made from the Criminal Justice Review (2000), and the Justice (NI) Act (2002); each identifying that the victim should be central in the criminal justice process. This became the state led restorative justice approach, but a community based restorative programme was unique to Northern Ireland and the Troubles at that time. Restorative justice and theory became prominent during the Northern Ireland peace process as an alternative to paramilitary violence (McEvoy and Mika, 2002, p2). First introduced from the Good Friday Agreement (1999), community projects were established, in part, to remove paramilitary policing, while reflecting the desire for community-based justice (Gormally, 2006). Projects were established in both communities Northern Ireland Alternatives on the Loyalist side and Community Restorative Justice Ireland on the Republican side (Gormally, 2006). Both projects now operat e successfully throughout Northern Ireland, each having numerous locations. The main agenda for the projects are to provide victim-offender mediation and reparation of the communities, with the community playing a significant role in each. It is also indicated that beyond the non-violent alternatives to paramilitaries, the projects now extend into broader mediation and conflict work (McEvoy and Mika, 2002, p7). Critics of the community-based projects claim that paramilitary violence still occurs, only under the respectable cover of these schemes ( leading to questions being asked about its legitimacy. However, evaluation of the projects show punishment violence related to crime and anti-social behaviour has decreased dramatically within each community (McEvoy and Mika, 2002, p8). As well as the strengths of restorative justice and the benefits it provides it is also necessary to discuss possible draw-backs in order to be fully aware of the system. This will be discussed below. Critical Analysis of Restorative Justice Restorative justice, as mentioned earlier, has a strong theoretical basis and practical application. However, as it is a relatively new concept it is imperative to discuss potential shortcomings as well as benefits in relation to retributive forms of justice. The four main criticisms that will be discussed below will relate to the offender, community, victim and retribution in relation to restorative justice. Offender: The principles of restorative justice are about redefining crime as harm and giving stakeholders a share of power (Marshall, 1999, p6). The benefits of this are well documented in practice, especially within youth justice, with the young offender more likely to complete reparation plans if they themselves have helped construct them. However, it remains to be seen if this practice is completely ethical. When facing a victim, in a room full of strangers and perhaps their own parents, a young person is likely to comply to any measures, without dispute, in order to hasten proceedings (Daly, 2002). The victim may also be revengeful or unforgiving and want a harsher punishment with pressure on the young person to agree, creating a power imbalance similar to punitive measures. The young person may then regret volunteering for the restorative process, aiding the break down of restorative plans, making the process ineffective and meaningless. Community: Possibly one of the biggest critiques of restorative justice is its reliance on community relationships, with the community playing a large role in the reintegration of the offender back into society. Marshall (1999) claims that communities are not as integrated as they once were, with many individuals wanting greater privacy and self-sufficiency. Leading to questions; who are the community and how can they play a significant role in the rehabilitation of the offender? According to Zehr and Mika (2003) the community can take a variety of forms, for example, the neighbourhood where the offender and victim live, or their closer social networks of family, friends and colleagues. Braithwaites (1989) theory of reintegrative shaming claims that strong relationships within the community helps limit wrong-doing because of conscience and anxiety. For those offenders that commit crime shaming then is an integral part, not only for reintegration, but for crime prevention. Restorative justice th en needs community and family relationships to be effective, if the offender does not take responsibility for their crime or feel shame, then they cannot be rehabilitated correctly or reintegrated into society. Does restorative justice then have its downfall if there is no bond to society? Victim: Another criticism of restorative justice is that it is open to offender manipulation and other symbolic implications. Is it seen as an easy option? Perhaps it is all too easy for an offender to say sorry and ask for forgiveness, without actually being punished appropriately for their actions. Daly and Stubbs (2006) claim that without treating offences seriously, the wrong message can be conveyed to the offender e.g. that their behaviour is acceptable, and therefore reinforced, leading the victim to feel injustice and therefore re-victimised. This is one of the major downfalls when it comes to adult restorative justice; if it was the only form of justice it is open to manipulation and coercion of the offender. Retribution vs. Restoration: The main question that needs to be addressed is can restorative justice exist without retribution and the formal justice system? In regards to juvenile court it is possible to exist alone, if the offence is minor. But for adult offenders, with major offences, the process is not so simple. According to Meads psychology of punitive justice (cited in Daly, 2002, p59) there are two contrasting methods responding to crime. 1) The attitude and hostility toward the law breaker, which brings attitudes of retribution, repression, and exclusion which identifies the offender as the enemy, and 2) Outlined in youth justice, is the reconstructive attitude, which tries to understand the causes of social and individual breakdown not to place punishment, but to obtain future results. It is a contrasting method which identifies differing views, which is fundamentally what restorative and retributive justice represent. The question that needs to be addressed is can restorative justice exist alone as a justice system for all crimes? According to Morris (2002, p601) it shouldnt have to meet the standards of conventional criminal justice, but just consider what it has already achieved, and what it can still achieve. It is now accepted that restorative justice should be used to integrate with traditional forms of justice, to provide an effective service to all those involved to offer a whole justice (Marshall, 1999, p8). Marshall (1999, p8) claims both forms of justice should now support each other to become a single system in which the community and formal resources can work in partnership. Nevertheless, without current legislation or policy that governs restorative justice practice, this leaves the projects that do exist in Northern Ireland, and the rest of the UK, operating in an informal basis with a lack of safeguards, resources and support to gain proper momentum. The criticisms of restorative justice practice are negative, but research nationally and internationally can show us just how successful it can be, with victims and offenders experiencing greater satisfaction with the processes and outcomes of restorative justice compared with attending court (Ashworth, 2003, p175 and Daly, 2002, p208). Properly done, restorative justice can have many benefits to not only the offender, but to the victim and community as well, providing a balance that is surely the way forward for the criminal justice system. Conclusion The question for this assignment was restorative justice aims to address the consequences of offending for victims, offenders and communities in a meaningful way? Evidence shows that restorative justice works within the youth justice system, but due to restraints on policy and legislation it is limited in the adult justice service. When restorative justice is implemented properly, it is effective at meeting the needs of offenders and victims, but to decide if this is meaningful is based on an individual experience, which I do not possess. On the theory of restoration vs. retribution to combine them, rather than separate them provides all stakeholders with a whole justice, capable of meeting physical, emotional and social needs, while also considering all parties as equal. There are many criticisms of restorative justice, but evidence shows that it is effective and provides reformation far beyond that of retribution. It provides explanation of behaviour, which in itself is meaningful, and is more than traditional methods provide. Restorative justice is an internationally respected system, and identified as a person centred form of justice, representing all parties equally, while balancing reformation with understanding.
Friday, January 17, 2020
Case 12-05
MEMO: LabCo must determine if their accounting policy for the revenue treatment of its construction contracts is reasonable, if it is appropriate for LabCo to change its method of accounting for the Halibut contract from the percentage-of-completion method to the completed-contract method and how the change should be treated on the basis of the guidance provided within ASC 250, and how LabCoââ¬â¢s accounting policy and accounting for the Halibut contract may change under IFRS if adopted in the coming year.This memorandum will provide support for how the overall conclusion, based on the issues above, was reached. Facts Accounting Policy for Revenue Treatment LabCo is a large construction contracting firm, and negotiates all of its contracts with its customers on either a fixed-price or cost-plus basis. LabCo has developed an accounting policy for revenue recognition related to its customized construction contracts, as follows: ââ¬Å"The Company performs under a variety of contract s, some of which provide for reimbursement of cost plus fees, and others that are fixed-price-type contracts.Revenues and fees on these contracts are primarily recognized on a contract-by-contract basis using the percentage-of-completion method of accounting, which is most often based on contract costs incurred to date compared with total estimated costs at completion (cost-to-cost method). â⬠ââ¬Å"The completed-contract method of accounting is used in instances in which reliably dependable estimates of the total costs to be incurred under a specific contract cannot be made. â⬠Change in Method of Accounting for Revenue TreatmentLabCo has entered into a contract with Halibut to build a six-axis laser cutting machine. The contract entered into was for a fixed-price and requires detailed and involved performance specifications. Even though this was a unique arrangement that required a great deal of customer specification, LabCo believed that with its extensive experience p erforming under similar contracts, including previous contract with Halibut, the percentage-of-completion method of accounting for this contract was appropriate.After LabCo began experiencing significant difficulties in the design and manufacture of the six-axis laser cutting machine, (including design revisions, certain engineering costs needing to be outsourced, and the cost of steel used in the production of the frame of the machine rising unexpectedly) they determined that their estimate of the overall cost to complete the contract needed to be revised. LabCo expected that the overall project would incur total costs that would be in excess of the total fixed-fee contract price negotiated with Halibut.As a result, management updated its estimates used in percentage-of-completion accounting to reflect both the cost overruns incurred as well as the cost overruns expected to be incurred, and also recorded a provision for the entire loss on the contract in the period in which it beca me aware that the contract costs would exceed the total contract value. After six-months, LabCo delivered the six-axis laser cutting machine to Halibut. Yet, when final test were ran using the six-axis, the machine failed to perform up to Halibutââ¬â¢s specifications as defined in the contract.LabCo then had to redesign, fix, and remedy the various issues with the machine. Upon notification of these continued problems, LabCoââ¬â¢s CAO determined that total estimates of the contract costs to be incurred for the Halibut contract were no longer able to be reliably determined. Therefore, the use of the percentage-of-completion method of accounting was deemed no longer an appropriate method of revenue recognition for this particular contract.As a result, the determination was made that LabCo would switch to a completed-contract method of revenue recognition for the duration of its contract with Halibut. Analysis Percentage-of-Completion Method Based upon review of ASC 605-35-25-56, the use of the percentage-of-completion method depends on the ability to make reasonably dependable estimates, which, for purposes of this Subtopic, relates to estimates of the extent of progress toward completion, contract revenues, and contract costs.Furthermore, according to ASC 605-35-25-57, the percentage-of-completion method is considered preferable as an accounting policy in circumstances in which reasonably dependable estimates can be made and in which all the following conditions exist: a. Contracts executed by the parties normally include provisions that clearly specify the enforceable rights regarding goods or services to be provided and received by the parties, the consideration to be exchanged, and the manner and terms of settlement. . The buyer can be expected to satisfy all obligations under the contract. c. The contractor can be expected to perform all contractual obligations. ASC 605-35-25-61 states, an entity using the percentage-of-completion method as its basic accounting policy shall use the completed-contract method for a single contract or a group of contracts for which reasonably dependable estimates cannot be made or for which inherent hazards make estimates doubtful. Completed-Contract MethodBased on review of ASC 605-35-25-90, when lack of dependable estimates or inherent hazards cause forecasts to be doubtful, the completed-contract method is preferable. Inherent hazards relate to contract conditions or external factors that raise questions about contract estimates and about the ability of either the contractor or the customer to perform all obligations under the contract. Inherent hazards that may cause contract estimates to be doubtful usually differ from inherent business risks.Business entities engaged in contracting, like all business entities, are exposed to numerous business risks that vary from contract to contract. The reliability of the estimating process in contract accounting does not depend on the absence of such risks . Assessing business risks is a function of users of financial statements. According to ASC 630-35-25-97, Circumstances to be considered in determining when a project is substantially completed include, for example, delivery of the product, acceptance by the customer, departure from the site, and compliance with performance specifications.Changes to and from Percentage-of-Completion and Completed-Contract Methods Based on review of ASC 605-35-25-94, the completed-contract method is preferable in circumstances in which estimates cannot meet the criteria for reasonable dependability discussed in paragraph 605-35-25-57 or in which there are inherent hazards of the nature of those discussed in paragraphs 605-35-25-65 through 25-66.An entity using the percentage-of-completion method as its basic accounting policy shall depart from that policy and use the completed-contract method for a single contract or a group of contracts only in the circumstances described in paragraph 605-35-25-61. In addition, 605-35-25-95 states, an entity using the completed-contract method as its basic accounting policy shall depart from that policy for a single contract or a group of contracts not having the features described in paragraphs 605-35-25-92 through 25-93 and use the percentage-of-completion method on one of the bases described in paragraphs 605-35-25-60 through 25-61.Accounting Changes and Error Corrections According to ASC 980-250-55-3, if a regulated entity changes accounting methods and the change does not affect costs that are allowable for rate-making purposes, the regulated entity would apply the change in the same manner as would an unregulated entity. If a regulated entity changes accounting methods and the change affects allowable costs for rate-making purposes, the change generally would be implemented in the way that it is implemented for regulatory purposes.A change in the method of accounting for research and development costs, either from a policy of capitalizat ion and amortization to one of charging those costs to expense as incurred or vice versa, is an example of that type of change. Adopting IFRS Based on review of IAS 18 ââ¬â Revenue, the recognition of revenue by reference to the stage of completion of a transaction is often referred to as the percentage-of-completion method.Under this method, revenue is recognized in the accounting periods in which the services are rendered. The recognition of revenue on this basis provides useful information on the extent of service activity and performance during a period. When the outcome of the transaction involving the rendering of services cannot be estimated reliably, revenue shall be recognized only to the extent of the expenses recognized that are recoverable. Conclusion Accounting Policy for Revenue TreatmentBased on the facts presented and the analysis performed, LabCoââ¬â¢s accounting policy for the revenue treatment of its construction contracts appears reasonable. On the other h and, while it makes sense to use the percentage-of-completion method for contracts that can be reasonably estimated, the completed-contract method of accounting appears to be the ââ¬Å"preferredâ⬠method, due to the specific criteria that must be met in order to qualify for such reasonableness under the percentage-of-completion method of accounting. Change in Method of Accounting for Revenue TreatmentBased on the facts provided and the analysis performed, it is appropriate for LabCo to change is method of accounting for the Halibut contract from the percentage-of-completion method to the completed contract method. According to the guidance (stated above), ââ¬Å"An entity using the percentage-of-completion method as its basic accounting policy shall depart from that policy and use the completed-contract method for a single contract or a group of contracts only in the circumstances described in paragraph 605-35-25-61. The Halibut contract adheres to this policy, and because the re were unexpected issues that caused for the contract to no longer be reasonably estimated, they are correct in their reasoning for changing to the completed-contract method. On the basis of the guidance provided within ASC 250, Accounting Changes and Error Corrections (provided above), this change should be treated in one of two ways: (1) If a regulated entityââ¬â¢s change in accounting methods does not affect rate-making costs, the change would be applied in the same manner as an unregulated entity. 2) If a regulated entityââ¬â¢s change in accounting methods does affect rate-making costs, the change would be implemented based on regulatory purposes. Adopting IFRS If LabCo decides to adopt IFRS in the upcoming year, there will be a slight change in the Companyââ¬â¢s accounting policy, as well as their accounting for the Halibut contract. The use of the percentage-of-completion method when contracts can be reasonably estimated will remain consistent with IFRS.However, when ever these costs cannot be reasonably estimated, instead of using the completed-contract method, IFRS states that revenue shall be recognized ââ¬Å"only to the extent of the expenses recognized that are recoverable. â⬠Therefore, the accounting for the Halibut contract will change under IFRS in the same way. In this instance, rather than switching from percentage-of-completion to the completed-contract method, LabCoââ¬â¢s contract change would consist of altering the percentage-of-completion method in order to adapt to the recognition of revenue as stated by IFRS in the paragraph above.
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Speech Social Media - 1345 Words
SOCIAL MEDIA Assalamualaikum and Good evening Puan Wan Narmi Aziana Wan Abdullah our lecturer and my lovely friends. My name is Noor Adibah Binti Abdul Hamid. The reason why Iââ¬â¢m standing here because I would like to tell about the advantages and disadvantages of Social Media. First of all, I would like tell you what is social media. Social media is the social interaction among people in which they create, share or exchange information and ideas in virtual communities and networks. Andreas Kaplan and Michael Haenlein define social media as a group of Internet-based applications that build on the ideological and technological foundations of Web 2.0 and that allow the creation and exchange of user-generated content. Think of regular mediaâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦It is hard to say no, be rude, or ignore someone when you are looking them in the eye. It s incredibly easy and quick to unfriend or unfollow someone or simply block their efforts to make a connection. Just one click of the mouse and your problems are over. Unfortunately, this feature of online socialization cheats people of the opportunity to learn how to resolve conflicts in the world outside the Internet and it could retard or cripple one s social skills developments. Tweens and teens are at higher risk because those years are when they are learning to interact with others or build and maintain relationships. A report from the National School Boards Association shows that of the children in these age groups that use a social network, 41 percent spend their time posting messages. They are not spending this time in face-to-face interactions with their peers or others nor are they developing the necessary social skills for future success. 2. Risks of Fraud or Identity Theft Whether you like it or not, the information you post on the Internet is available to almost anyone who is clever enough to access it. 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Wednesday, January 1, 2020
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